Reporter | BetaSprite | Assigned To | administrator | |
Priority | normal | Severity | major | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | closed | Resolution | no change required | |
Summary | 0001812: I picked up Fatal Fury 5 times in succession, and it dropped me from 150 Max HP to 1 HP |
Description | I'm not entirely sure what happened. I mashed pickup on a Fatal Fury 5 times, intending to go down to 100 Max HP from 150, and get a +5 bonus to attack. There are only 5 Fatal Fury items in my inventory, but my Max HP was dropped to 1.
I am playing Ace, on seed "rzjzey", at the first chest in Dustria, the first level. |
Steps To Reproduce | I can't reproduce it, because the Seed is giving me different results from when I started last time. I died pretty quick afterwards, but when I put the seed into Seed Racer, there is no Dally, and the chest that I got Fatal Fury from is a white chest with 2 nuts in it instead. |
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