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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
000300630XX BugsGeneralpublic2025-01-23 03:38
Reporteranonymous Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0003006: 20XX - Dualsense support
DescriptionWhile the game does detect the controller a can read input it appears the mappings to be all botched: the "A" button isn't assigned to the "X" button but to "Square" and so on.

Enabling Steam Input does alleviate the issue for the most part but a different issue is introduced: L and R appear to be swapped (if R is pressed, it will label it as "L", the R button is still the one being pressed) and the L button proper flat out does appear to work but is instead registered as the LT button.
Tags20XX , controller support
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-23 03:38 anonymous New Issue
2025-01-23 03:38 anonymous Tag Attached: 20XX
2025-01-23 03:38 anonymous Tag Attached: controller support