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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
000281630XX Bugs30XX Bugspublic2025-03-26 06:51
Reporteranonymous Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0002816: Vending Machines in Co-Op
DescriptionWhen destroying Vending machines with Nina's Fusion Power the Vending Machine is destroyed only on the Host's Game, and not on the Guests Game in Co-op preventing Player 2 from collecting any Health Pick-ups that should have spawned.
Steps To ReproduceDestroy Vending Machine with Nina's Fusion Power during Co-op
Additional InformationVending machines destroyed with Nina's Fusion Power will not drop health pick-ups for player 2, they don't appear as destroyed, and can't be interacted with after being destroyed.
TagsVending Machines
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-22 02:06 anonymous New Issue
2024-12-22 02:06 anonymous Tag Attached: 30XX
2024-12-22 02:06 anonymous Tag Attached: bug
2024-12-22 02:06 anonymous Tag Attached: Co-op
2024-12-22 02:06 anonymous Tag Attached: Guest
2024-12-22 02:06 anonymous Tag Attached: Vending Machines
2025-02-22 19:54 anonymous Tag Detached: 30XX
2025-02-26 19:19 anonymous Tag Detached: bug
2025-02-27 14:31 anonymous Tag Detached: Co-op
2025-03-26 06:51 anonymous Tag Detached: Guest