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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
000201930XX Bugs30XX Bugspublic2024-05-19 21:50
ReporterSilentGlyph Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformSteamOSWindow 10 Pro 
Summary0002019: Quickly exiting a Red Glory gate with entropy conditions passed on condition of that gate into normal gameplay later in run
DescriptionOn a 30-entropy 30xx run, I thought it would chance an entrance to a red glory gate with the "Play Safe - Renders" marquee above it (unfortunately, I cannot remember the level I entered the gate at). I wasn't sure if I wanted to do the challenge within, as I like the challenges where you move through a challenge subsection level, but I would not want to do a Symbol Touch challenge, what with being a level 30 entropy run and having one of my entropy conditions being spikes - level 3 instant death from any stage hazards, a symbol touch challenge was too risky as it had the potential to wash any surplus I had of health and sub tanks down the drain. I entered the gate and began spamming LB (Xbox controller), so I could exit immediately if it was not the challenge section like I wanted.

Lo and behold, it was a symbol touch challenge, so when Ace immediately teleported away I just continued my run. You can imagine my surprise when later during the run on level 9, the challenge text and medal conditions appeared in the upper right corner of the screen, along with the renders deadly entropy challenge! Needless to say, this was a run ender. It originally happened before the mechanical Dragon sub boss, but I was not able to tough it out. Attached picture is moments before disaster :(.

My initial thoughts are that it has to do with the cutscene that plays when you enter a gate that has a "Play Safe" symbol touch challenge where it shows you all of these symbols and they shine to show the player what to do/where they are. It must have been interrupted when I immediately exited and something about level 9 triggered it. Please fix! I'll be sure to let the cut scene play out in the meantime, Thank you for taking a look.
Steps To Reproduce1. With the "Deadly Challenge" entropy condition enabled, find a red Glory gate with a condition attached to it
2. Enter gate by beginning to spam "interact" (LB on Xbox controller)
3. When the character loads in, they should immediately teleport back out
4. ???
5.Sometime later during the run the gate conditions become applied outside the gate itself
Additional InformationThe health UI (HP+NRG display, upper left) also disappeared after immediately leaving the Symbol Touch challenge, but returned upon health change. It was not until later in level 9 that the gate condition appeared unexpectedly.
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2024-05-19 21:50


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-05-19 21:50 SilentGlyph New Issue
2024-05-19 21:50 SilentGlyph File Added: PlaySafeRendersNormalGameplay.png